Did you know that Title Insurance is required if you are buying a home using any type of mortgage?
Title polices are good forever and you only need to pay for them once as an owner, making title policy insurance the best insurance you’ll ever buy! If you refinance, the bank may require a new loan policy. Let’s say that one more time… you pay for it once as part of your closing costs and your home is protected for as long as you own it. Think about it…. what other insurance do you only have to pay for once??
Title searches start with the most recent deed. We search the grantee’s name (the person now holding title) backwards in time to the deed when the grantee acquired the property. That grantor’s name is then searched backwards in time to find when the grantor acquired title as the grantee. This process continues and over time, the property description involves larger and larger parcels of land. Eventually, our searchers find the purchase from the King James II of England to William Penn.
At Homestead Land Services our mission is to make the closing process as stress-free as possible. We want you to have a positive experience because purchasing a home should be a good memory.
when purchasing forclosures or short sales be sure to use a competent Title Agent who is working for you the buyer,as all seller will be trying to get you to use theirs so that they can insure over mistakes that the my have made in the servicing to previous owner and lien holders. You will then be responsible for that problem once you become the owner……It is why more and more Sellers and Banks are trying to convince new buyers to use all their in house services .It has become ONE OF THE LARGEST SCAMS GOING!! Be sure to select your own Title Agent IT IS THE LAW and YOUR RIGHT..